On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 09:37:35PM +0300, Zeev Suraski wrote:
> >  So please stop with the personal attacks and
> >concentrate on the real technical issues.
> I'd appreciate it if you stayed out of this one.  I'm fed up with Sascha's 

    i _really_ dislike this statement!

> attitude towards me and other developers, and decided it was time to point 
> that issue out.

    i'm not on IRC - but i do not see how working with sascha has
    not always gotten us the "better" result. i do not remember
    sascha beeing rude to people - but i do admit that he is
    *direct*. that might just be a matter of perception. you - on
    the other hand - leave _no_ room for interpretation in this
    very situation. 


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