At 22:15 9/7/2001, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
>Well, I completely disagree with you on Sascha.  Sascha is very direct and
>doesn't sugar-coat anything.  He is confident, and I suppose you could
>interpret that as arrogance, but so what?

Chances are that my much-less-extreme behavior a few years ago was what 
drove away these two people that supposedly left because of me.  That's 
what.  I also find it very difficult and annoying to work in an atmosphere 
such as the one he's creating.

>This appears to me to be a problem between you and him and not something
>that needs to be discussed on php-dev.  As far as I am concerned, Sascha
>is one of the PHP project's biggest assets and I just don't see how an
>all-out public attack on him like this is in any way constructive.

Well, unfortunately, the guys who feel the same way as I do aren't as 
confident as I am, so they're not stepping forward.  You are just one guy, 
like me, not any different from anybody else in here.  You consider him to 
be one of PHP's biggest assets?  Sure thing, he did revolutionize the language.

I consider him to be a good technical asset, and a horrible social asset, 
the sum of which is not necessarily above zero right now.  This should 
change, because it *is* fending people off.  I find it odd that you were 
quick to blame me, but when Sascha does something a hell of a lot more 
extreme, you say it's something personal between me and him.  Perhaps it's 
because I'm just a tiny asset, that must be it.


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