ID: 12339
Updated by: andy
Old Status: Open
Status: Feedback
Bug Type: ODBC related
Operating System: Win2k
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

could you send in a short, yet more complete script than what
you have given us now.

Previous Comments:

[2001-07-24 10:20:04] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

All right, this is a rough one to report as I only have vagure ideas as to what's 
going on ... but it really sucks either way. 

the function call...

report($queryusa,$uasusa_trans,$uasusa_style,"User does not have access to any 
systems",sizeof($uasusa_trans)*2,0,"System Access");

the function 

function report($query, $tarray,$sarray, $empty_msg,$total,$is_last = 0, $zhead="")

The crash

the overwrite (I'm convinced it's an overwrite because EIP is 0x00d72f10 and memory is 
the same value, and a rudimentary jump (albeit confusedly)into msdev vdebug showed 
something similar)
happens at the call to odbc prepare...

$sh = odbc_prepare($DBH,$query) or die (odbc_errormsg().$query);

the odbc_connect looks like
$DBH = odbc_connect($GLOBALS['DSN'],$GLOBALS['DSN_USER'],$GLOBALS['DSN_PW']) or die 

as it stands now I am under a deadline so I can't dig too deep (I have to find a 
workaround) ,but I'll follow up  with any supplemental material I can..
oh, ODBC Driver is Tandem NONStop..


Edit this bug report at

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