On Fri, Jul 27, 2001 at 08:08:37AM +0100, Anil Madhavapeddy wrote : 
> Alexander Merz wrote:
> >
> > Please, could you use relative specifications ("font-size: small")
> > instead of absolute ("font-size: 11px") in the css? It's more
> > user-friendly and i don't have to look for my eyeglasses each time.
> Unfortunately, this isn't consistent cross-platform.
> http://www.alistapart.com/stories/fear4/4.html
> (thx Jim Winstead for the above link)
> I'm completely open to better solutions, but haven't actually be able to
> find any.  We _could_ start browser sniffing I guess.

The current font looks pretty good to me (altough I'm on
1600x...); but for those out which have problems maybe there can
be implemented a feature/configuration page which saves the
individual font configuration in a cookie ? Leaving the default
to the current one :) ....

- Markus

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