Le Fri, 10 Aug 2001 12:10:26 -0700 (PDT) Brian Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a ecrit : > hello, > > i'd like to begin work on a php profiler, as my employer needs one, and i > couldn't find one. have i not looked hard enough or in the right place? my > employer is committed to allowing me to open source the project. i would > like it if i could begin a discussion with the people responsible for the > front-end, compiler and runtime to ensure that the profiler can coexist > and coevolve with php. in particular, i'd like it if releases of php did > not break the profiler and vice-versa. does anyone here have ideas of how > it should be done? thanks much in advance, > > b > Hello, you should take a look at this : http://dd.cron.ru/dbg/home.php It seems there has been a lot of work on this project, and I know the debugger works fine, but I didn't tested the profiler ... But I think you don't need to start another project, unless you need some specific options :-) Olivier. -- Feminism, n.: A political position which seeks to rebuild society so that both men and women are treated as women wish to be treated. -- PHP Development Mailing List <http://www.php.net/> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]