Edin Kadribasic wrote:
> Where is the PHP enterprise component architecture?

  What exactly would that be?

> What about clustering and failover?

  This has nothing to do with the language, IMHO, but with the
  platform, ie. the web server. I guess there are solutions to
  provide clustering and fail-over to Apache and MySQL, for

> Where are the WSDL and UDDI implementations?

  What are WSDL and UDDI? Are there libraries out there can be
  wrapped into an extension?

> Show me a framework.

  Horde is a framework, and I guess there are some more out there.

  But I fear that there is truth in this. We should analyze what,
  besides the upcoming changes on the language level (with the 
  Zend Engine 2.0), we need to make PHP compatible with ASP.NET.

  Maybe Zend has some feedback from their enterprise clients on 
  what features are requested, etc.  

  Sebastian Bergmann                     Measure Traffic & Usability
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