On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, Chris Gardner wrote:

> i was noticing a slight problem with the whole EXT_SKEL shell script.  it
> works great for getting a new package up and running, but only if your'
> doing all your using basically the gcc compiler.  well, i've been trying to
> create an extension library for php, and i am mainly using visual c++ 6 sp 3
> on win2k.  i can run the EXT_SKEL in my cygwin prompt, and it makes the
> files, fixes the build scripts, and the configure options, etc.  but, it
> doesn't fix the win32 projects to add the new library.  has anyone else
> looked at this, or thied to look at this?
> if nobody else has burned this bridge before, let me know, i'll come up with
> something you guys can use.

I just copied the .dsp file from some other project and modified it for my
Universe PHP extension. No perfect solution but it seems like I got it


If you contribute with autmatic generation of a visual studio project
file in ext_skel, that would be great!


-\- David Eriksson -/-

"An expert in a particular computer language is really an expert
in the work-arounds necessary to use this language to perform
useful work." - Richard B. Johnson

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