ID: 13165
User updated by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status: Open
Bug Type: Class/Object related
Operating System: RedHat 7.1
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

Just wondering if there has been any progress on this report?  Thanks.

Previous Comments:

[2001-09-06 02:11:38] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There is *definately* a problem in PHP 4.0.6 with classes, inheritance, and 
included/required files.  Here is an example:

// ======================
// test.php:




// ======================

// ======================
// children.php



 class Child2 extends Child1


 class Child1 extends Parent



// ======================

// ======================
// parent.php


 class Parent



// ======================

You can try this out for yourself and see what I mean.  If you bring up "test.php" in 
your browser, you should receive this error:

Fatal error: Class child2: Cannot inherit from undefined class child1

Why does this happen, even though all files are being included correctly?  Well, I 
know one way of preventing the error, and that is by re-ordering the classes in 
"children.php" so that Child1() is listed first.  This removes the error, **however**, 
if the Parent() class is NOT in a separate file, and is actually part of the same file 
(i.e. "children.php"), the order of the class definitions does NOT matter.  Why is 


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