> > Hi f0lks,
> >
> > [part of my first mail (see url at the end of this mail) ]
>I don't think this is a bug, it looks like a misunderstanding of the API.
>(Perhaps it is my misunderstanding ;-)

I'll kill you !!! (j/k)
What do you think, when I tell you I've spent a lot of time for analysing 
session handling? I think YOU haven't read or understood my mail completely!

>session_is_registered() seems only to test if you have registered a
>variable, not if the variable has been retrieved by the session code as of

ACK. (I can't remember I said anything else.)

>session_register() should be called regardless of whether or not you need to
>initialize a variable, so what you need to do seems to be this:

NACK. My way is checking whether the variable is registered and if it's not 
register it. I've initialized my variables because if I haven't, I could 
not create a reference to it.

I would be happy if anyone understands my problem (look at my first mail) 
or can tell me what I haven't explained clear enough.

my first mail:

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