From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: SuSE Linux 7.1
PHP version:      4.0.6
PHP Bug Type:     Unknown/Other Function
Bug description:  problem supressing errors by '@' and including files

Hi Folks!

Pls. look at the following problem: I have a database 
application which
returns me up to n datasets containing 40 data fields each.
Every field can hold an URL to an image or anything else. 
To detect
if it is an image, I check the image size (which I need 
anyway) and if
the test returns TRUE, then it returns an anchor tag to the 
application. So far so good...
It works fine until I have less than 13 sets. If I have 
more, the PHP
parser returns a warning at every include() I use, telling 
me not beeing
able to include the file.  Very strange, isn't it?
If I don't use the 

if ($img_size_array = @getimagesize 

to check if there's an image or not, the problem doesn't 
happen. It
seems to be a problem of too much errors or warnings 
(supressed by
the '@'). Maybe a stack overflow or something like this?

This is the function I use:
(p.s.: I already have a workaround, so the problem is not 

function get_img_tags($input_array) {
        include ("bcontent.php");
        $img_tag = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i <= count($input_array); $i++) {
                $img_sp1 = $img_space1;
                $img_sp2 = $img_space2;
                if (preg_match ("(\Apdf)", $input_array[$i])) {
                                $img_tag[$i] = $img_sp1."<a 
                } else if ($img_size_array = @getimagesize 
($image_dir.$input_array[$i])) {
                        $img_tag[$i] = $img_sp1."<img 
        return ($img_tag);

Kind regards,

Ulrich S. Kapp

Raamkamp 8
22397 Hamburg

phone: 0049 40 608892-77
  fax: 0049 40 608892-88
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