hi crawley,

please submit a bug report next time, i check them more recently than
the mailinglist.

'it doesn't work' is also a poor description of the problem. looking to
your interface definition
i think the problem is, that you have to specify these values as
VARIANT* because you can't pass
them by reference otherwise.

there is already a bugreport refering to this (i can't remember the id),
search for it if you need more
infos ..


"Crawley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> I have an interface like this:
> interface ITest
> {
>     HRESULT foo( [ out ] int *n );
>     HRESULT bar( [ out, string ] char *str );
> };
> I can call the first one from PH, but ONLY if I make the variable 'n' 
> of type [ out, retval ].  My understanding is that I should be able to

> call it like this.
> $obj = new COM( "mycomobject.test" );
> $n = new VARIANT( 0, VT_UI1 | VT_BYREF );
> $obj->foo( $n );
> but when I try this, it dosent work
> What am I missing ?
> asuming I'm missing something, can I do the same thing with a string.

> What I want to do is pass strings back from my COM object.  I read 
> that there is no support for VARIANT arrays, but I see you support 
> VT_BSTR.  So can I have strings as out params.
> If not I'm going to have to move to another scripting language ( for 
> this project ).  Aside from that -
> PHP is great, its like scripting C++ ... so the best of both worlds.
> Rich

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