ID: 13407
Updated by: rasmus
Old Status: Bogus
Status: Open
Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function
Operating System:
PHP Version: 4.0.4pl1
New Comment:
Hrm.. Sure, that is the kneejerk response, but "too near"? 2147483647 is 2^31 - 1.
I could understand if this happened at 2^31+1 and up, but not at 2^31 - 1. I'd like
to see a better explanation of why this happens at instead of at 21474836478
Previous Comments:
[2001-09-23 14:52:16] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Integers are limited in capacity, you're too near the bounds of integer. If you need
such high numbers, see GMP.
Not a bug. (though technically it could be possible to let this single number work,
the next one will fail.)
Do a var_dump($ar) to see what happens.
[2001-09-23 14:44:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
echo $ar[2147483646];
echo $ar[2147483647];
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