On Mon, Sep 24, 2001 at 10:54:51AM -0500, Ben Menking wrote : 
> I wrote an extension over the weekend that will authenticate users to a m$
> windows domain server.  Does this functionality already exist in PHP4?  If
> not I'd love to include it.

To my knowledge there are already two existing (not included in
php4 however) extensions. Just post a url so we can look at it.

Two question about it:

1) Does it use smbval or not?
2) Is it portable (unix/win32)?

I've finished such an extension too but the underlying smbval
library is way out of date and imposes possible security holes
(which, when writting carefully, can be crossed out) but isn't
really portable (I stopped trying to get the beast compile under
win32 itself).

- Markus

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