At 12:46 PM 10/1/2001 +0200, Stig Sæther Bakken wrote:
>[Zak Greant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> > On September 30, 2001 06:15 pm, Wez Furlong wrote:
> > > What about "." then (Java/Delphi)?
> > >
> > > --Wez.
> >
> > Wouldn't that conflict with the concatenation operator?
> >
> > Unless I am mistaken, it looks like only the following single symbols
> > are available: % * | \ (outside of quotes at least)
>Uhm, % and * are taken for modulo and multiplication.
>So how do these look:
>   HTML\Table  - looks too 1980
>   HTML|Table  - hmm, weird
>I still think Zeev's suggestion (HTML::Table) is very good, if it
>doesn't impose too much runtime overhead.

I don't like Zeev's suggestion because it does impose an extra hash lookup 
(usually it'll be two) and probably some more logic too. I don't think that 
new features we add today should suffer from run-time overhead some 
constructs from the past have had to suffer.
By the way, it also has some ambiguities. Is foo::bar() a function in class 
foo or in namespace foo. No one said you can't have a namespace foo when 
you have a class foo.
I think the best way to go is to go with ':' and live with the ambiguity. 
Many languages have such ambiguities and it's probably not such a big deal. 
In light of :: also having ambiguities why not go with :?


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