ID: 13711
Updated by: derick
Old Status: Assigned
Status: Critical
Bug Type: Apache related
Operating System: Linux
PHP Version: 4.0.6
Old Assigned To: derick
Assigned To: 
New Comment:

I could not reproduce this with CVS of 15-10-2001 on Linux/Apache 1.3.22

Previous Comments:

[2001-10-17 08:37:22] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Reproduced with 4.0.7RC3 on Apache_1.3.22 on Win2k, and 4.0.6 on 1.3.20 on Debian 


[2001-10-17 07:56:01] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Verified on W2k, Apache 1.3.20 and 4.0.6.

However, can't reproduce on Linux with RC3.

Can you try a newer version plz?

- Markus


[2001-10-17 07:41:44] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Checking it out... if it's true, it's a critical bug.



[2001-10-17 06:29:40] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

set_time_limit, rather than applying to the currently running script, applies to other 
PHP scripts as well (including scripts from other domains on the same server).

Apparently, set_time_limit affects any future PHP script that will be handled by the 
same instance of Apache (when using mod_php), i.e., the timeout value is not reset for 
every new script.

Simple testing: 

(Warning: this test will reduce server availability for the duration of the test.)

a. Make sure that PHP logs all errors in a file.
b. create a web page (PHP script) that only does "set_time_limit(1)".
c. Load that page (you might wish to reload it several times).

Now watch the tail of the PHP error log, as more and more "scrpit timed out after 1 
second" errors appear in completely unrelated PHP scripts running on the server.

To stop the test, just run a different script that returns set_time_limit to its 


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