ID: 7597
Updated by: sniper
Old Status: Open
Status: Feedback
Bug Type: Filesystem function related
Operating System: Linux 2.2.13
PHP Version: 4.0.6RC2
New Comment:

Sorry for late reply. Could you please explain WHY you
need to filter the double slashes out? It is not necessary.


Previous Comments:

[2001-06-05 12:49:23] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

sorry to say that but it still does not work. if replace the
double slashes, the move_uploaded_file() fun returns false
without issuing any warning. commenting out the line with
the replacement leads to the desired result. code is the
same as stated in the initial posting.
my system changed slightly (suse 6.3, linux 2.2.13, apache
1.3.9, still mysql and gd-support compiled in) but that
should not matter, should it?

cheers and thanks for your help,


[2001-06-03 01:09:36] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This should be fixed with PHP 4.0.6, please try the 
latest release candidate:



[2000-11-29 07:45:29] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

of course, for example a simple echo (echo "before ereg: $src";):

before ereg: /tmp//phpTc5nNp
after ereg: /tmp/phpTc5nNp


[2000-11-14 06:10:36] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can you please print $src before and after the ereg and let
us know what happened there?


[2000-11-02 13:49:10] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

when filtering the double slashes from "tmp_name" from an $HTTP_POST_FILE, it cannot 
be moved to the proper location anymore. this is similar to the problem addressed by 
bugreport #5375 with windowsNT.

config: php version 4.03pl1 in safe-mode 
        with mysql and gd
        on a suse linux 6.4

well, but i know it is not so much of a problem: just do not tamper with the 
"tmp_name" and everything is alright. does anyone know a reason for really doing that?


------------ example code -------------------------


if ($HTTP_POST_VARS["update"] == 1) {
   $src = $HTTP_POST_FILES["upload_file"]["tmp_name"];

    * BUG here: double slashes are stripped and php cannot       * move the uploaded 
file anymore.
   $src = ereg_replace ("//", "/", $src);

   move_uploaded_file ($src, "pic.jpg");



<form action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF ?>" method="POST"                                  
   <input type="hidden" name="update" value="1">
    hochladen: <input type="file" name="upload_file"><br>
   <img src="pic.jpg"><br>
   <input type="submit">



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