Right now, the following produces a warning when using
error_reporting(E_ALL) which can only be catched with ob_start():

$string = "foo";
echo $string[3] . "\n";


-(1) : Warning - Uninitialized string offset:  3

Is it really necessary to always first check the length before
accessing a certain offset? Wouldn't just returning an empty
string be enough? I.e., just remove the warning in
Zend/zend_execute.c:103 ?

Btw, is $string{$offset} documented anywhere? Derick already told
me its not but then its in PHP since a long time. Is $string{$offset}
really faster but not well-tested? I've already even seen it in a
PEAR package (Console/Getopt.php from Andrei).

- Markus

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