
I've looked at this last time when Thomas Cox reported a similar
problem. I've tracked it down to the changes you last did when
converting to the new zend_parse_parameters() api (it was the
change from zval_dtor() to zval_ptr_dtor() ).

- Markus

On Tue, Nov 13, 2001 at 05:48:25PM +0100, Martin Jansen wrote : 
> The following script produces a pretty weird output:
>     <?php
>     class Net_Portscan
>     {
>         function checkPort($host, $port)
>         {
>             $socket = @fsockopen($host, 
>                                  $port, 
>                                  $errorNumber, 
>                                  $errorString, 
>                                  30);
>             if (!$socket) {
>                 return 0;
>             }
>             return 1;
>         }
>     }
>     echo Net_Portscan::checkPort("", 80);
>     ?>
> The result of the checkPort() call should be either 0 or 1, right?
> When executing this script on PHP 4.2.0-dev (latest snapshot),
> Apache 1.3.22 and Linux 2.4.0, the output is a number with 9
> digits (e.g. 135197452), that randomly changes with each request.
> With PHP 4.0.6, Apache 1.3.20 and Debian 2.2r3 it works without
> a problem.
> Any hints?
> - Martin
> -- 
>   Martin Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> -- 
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              -All your scripts are belong to Zend-

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