This was with PHP 4.1.0RC3? All this should be fixed in HEAD.
_IF_ I understood the problem correctly.


On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, Derick Rethans wrote:

>Forwarding to PHP DEV...
>(Oh, php 4.1.0 is already packed, and will be announced later today by
>Zeev iirc).
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 10:13:54 +0000
>From: Hellekin O. Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [PHP-QA] playing with sessions...
>an overview of sessions in 4.1.0RC3 (compiled with --enable-trans-sid)
>-> register_globals = off
>session_is_registered() will return true but $_SESSION and
>$HTTP_SESSION_VARS are empty.
>This is unusable.
>-> register_globals = on + session.use_cookie = off
>Loose session when used on multiple pages. Single page works OK.
>This configuration requires setting "?".session_name()."=".session_id() on
>links for multiple pages sessions.
>-> register_globals = on + session.use_cookie = on
>Works well with both single and multiple pages (if the client accepts cookies).
>Warning for those used to register_globals = off :
>       *ALL* session variables should be registered just after session_start().
>       If you don't do that, you may set a global $var that will OVERRIDE
>       which is not true with register_globals = off.
>Example :
>if (!session_is_registered('count')) session_register('count');
>if (!session_is_registered('test')) session_register('test');
>$count = NULL; // Will override $_SESSION['count'] !!!
>// Instead you have to do :
>$test  = $_SESSION['test'];    // which is empty by default, overriding any
>globals sent by client.
>echo ++$count.":".++$test;
>or you can use :
>/* this was adapted from the manual */
>function session_init_var($var,$val) {
>       if (!session_is_registered($var)) {
>               global $var;
>               $var    = $val;
>               return session_register($var);
>       }

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