ID: 14255
Updated by: hholzgra
Status: Open
Bug Type: HTTP related
Operating System: Debian 2.2.19
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

setcookie ("myCookie","Blah","time()+7201"); 
                             ^           ^

do you realy have quotes here?

  -> "time()+7201" as a string would evaluate 
     as zero, so deleting the ccokie instead
     of setting it

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-27 12:43:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The problem is simple, in the older versions of php, you could set a cookie and have 
it available for your specified amount of time from any browser window open.

The line was as follows : 

setcookie ("myCookie","Blah","time()+7201"); 

The cookie should be set for just over 2 hours.

In 4.0.6, If you set the cookie, the time you set is never actually used, and the 
cookie is destroyed immediately after you close the browser window. 

Another downside, you cannot access this cookie from another window even if the 
original window is open. this sounds like an exclusive window session is linked to 
that cookie, and once the uplink is dropped, so is the cookie.

To access the cookie, i've been using :

$mycookie = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[myCookie];

it will show up in the original window, but not in others.

at all!

what's up?! :)


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