From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Linux
PHP version:      4.0.6
PHP Bug Type:     Variables related
Bug description:  prolem with access to undefined member of array

I have found a problem with PHP406, which was not with 404pl1

tested on some Linux 2.4. boxes
for example my ./configure was:
'./configure' '--enable-track-vars' '--with-gd' '--with-mysql'
'--with-mysql=/usr' '--with-apache=../apache_1.3.19' '--with-zlib'
'--with-config-file-path=/etc/www' '--with-bz2'

I try to minimalize the code ... but it's not easy, if it is too short,
it's not visible (but I thing that some problem is stil)

I think, the problem is with variables, that not exist, but are used

Sometimes it works without line(s) L1 and/or L2
Sometimes it works when in section 'O', I first print $f
There is a bit different efect for the three type of loops (C)
And it is important, the size of array $f 

the bad result look like: destroyed end of the array $f 
or in some cases PHPcrash - apache logs to errorlog:
[...] [notice] child pid 7129 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

... perhaps some bufferoverflow?

I'm not sure, if the lines below are realy so stupid wraped in this
<textarea>, ask for normal file with email if needed
function insert($tb, $insertfield, $CT="") {

#!!! L1
if (is_array($scope)) $G=&$scope; else $G=&$GLOBALS;


#!!! C
for(reset($insertfield); $sl_name=current($insertfield);
#foreach($insertfield as $sl_name)
        #!!! L2
        if ($CT[$sl_name]['skip_sql']) continue;

        $pole.="$sl_name, ";
$pole=substr($pole, 0, -2);

return $pole;

#$f=array("alfa","beta", "gama", "delta", "nazev", "mesto", "ulice");
$f=array("alfa","beta", "nazev", "mesto", "ulice");

# !!! O
#echo "Before: ", join(",", $f), "<br>\n";
echo "After : ", insert("TB", $f ,""), "<br>\n";
echo "Before: ", join(",", $f), "<br>\n";
Edit bug report at:

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