ID: 8989
User updated by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status: Open
Bug Type: Session related
Operating System: Windows NT 4 SP5(IIS4)/2000 SP2
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

Thanks to the kind help of one H C Teo in Singapore, I believe I have found the source 
of the problem to this bug!

H C Teo was kind enough, upon reading this bug report, to contact me directly via 
e-mail to let me know that someone DID have sessions working properly under Windows 
using my example code.  H C Teo's configuration consisted of both Windows 98 and 
Windows 2000 SP2 running the Xitami webserver using the CGI version of PHP v4.0.6.  H 
C Teo not only ran sniper's test (which ran fine for me as well, but did not 
demonstrate the bug which my code showed), but also--and I'm very grateful that 
someone took the few minutes to do this--took MY example files and ran them.  My files 
worked for H C Teo as well!

Considering it was the same OS and we both use the CGI version of PHP (which makes the 
webserver irrelevant in most cases), the problem must be elsewhere.  Once again H C 
Teo came thru by providing access to the info provided in phpinfo().  I compared this 
to my configuration, noticed entries missing from my configuration that H C Teo had, 
and then it hit me:  the PHP.INI file!

I have been using PHP4 since it first came out, and my PHP.INI file dates back to 
around v4.0.1.  As mentioned in this bug report, this bug first appeared in earlier 
releases (bug#5493), then disappeared in 4.0.2 - 4.0.3pl1, then resurfaced in 4.0.4.  
I have not changed my PHP.INI file in all that time.  But what if I started COMPLETELY 
from scratch?

I deleted the \WINNT\SYSTEM32\PHP4TS.DLL and \WINNT\PHP.INI files (making a backup of 
course).  Then I installed PHP 4.0.6 cleanly, making ONLY the changes suggested in the 
installation instructions.  [Note the installation instructions do NOT ever suggest 
that you need to rebuild your PHP.INI file with each release.]  Sessions WORKED!

After this, I compared my old PHP.INI file to the new one, and long story short, 
here's what I found.  The problem appears to be with the following entry in the 
PHP.INI file:
; Check HTTP Referer to invalidate externally stored URLs containing ids.
session.referer_check =

The default for this entry is empty.  If left this way PHP 4.0.6 does sessions 
properly.  However, if you attempt to turn on this feature by setting the entry to '1' 
or 'On' (without the quotes), sessions do not work properly.  New, empty session files 
are generated over time using the sample code I provided.

I can only suspect that the issue has to do with some failure in the PHP engine to 
properly determine the source of a webpage.  Since all my sample pages are hosted on 
the same webserver, this referrer check should not fail, but considering this 
feature's intended purpose, in the event someone WAS spoofing a page, it makes sense 
that a new session file would be created.  But that's not the case here.

Ergo, I believe we now have the proper focus for this bug report.  Please investigate 
the session.referer_check feature in PHP for Windows.  It does not appear to be 
functioning properly.

Also, for future reference, you may wish to suggest to those posting bug reports to 
try running the default PHP.INI configs provided with PHP, making only the minimalist 
changes needed to get PHP working.  If the problem disappears, at least you have a 
place to go to track down the problem.  No one ever suggested trying a clean PHP.INI 
file to me.  This would have saved me untold aggravation and helped track down this 
issue much sooner.

Regardless, thanks to everyone involved, especially H C Teo, without whom I'd still be 
running PHP 4.0.3pl1.  Though I had to turn off a feature to do so, I am now happily 
running PHP 4.0.6, and I'm looking forward to the release of 4.1.0!!!

P.S.  Please do not forget to investigate the session.referer_check setting.  It would 
be nice to have this working.  Thanks.

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-26 20:06:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My bad.  Tried to use RC provided in the URL again.  Decompressed .ZIP file to single 
directory and configured webserver to use that.  Last time I tried to make the 
directory structure match previous point releases (the dir structure I listed in a 
previous post).  I have not worked with RCs before and didn't realize everything was 
compiled in such a way that it NEEDS to be all together vs. structure as defined by 

Long story short, YES the session bug is still with us.  Please note I am still 
working with the CGI version at this point.  I have not tried testing the IIS or 
Apache modules.  But as for the Windows CGI version of PHP v4.1.0RC3, YES, the bug is 
still in there.  Session file creation is the same as it has  been with all releases 
back through and including v4.0.4.  Within what should be a single session, new 0 byte 
files are generated as before, resulting in session variables losing their values.

The moment I reset things to PHP v4.0.3pl1 configuration, everything works as it 
should.  Switch to the RC, and it's a problem.  Does not matter which webserver you 
use (no surprise considering this is the CGI version).

If there is anything else I can do, please advise.


[2001-11-24 22:57:50] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Apologies.  Re-read my last post and where I wrote "I realize this is a release 
compilation" I meant to write "I realize this is only a release candidate compilation" 
(as opposed to a full release for public consumption).  Sorry for any confusion.


[2001-11-24 22:55:01] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I downloaded the latest Windows RC build at the link provided, but there appears to be 
an issue with the CGI version.  Took me a few minutes to track it down, but in the end 
went to a command line and tried to do a simple

php -v

to get a version number.  Instead, I received a popup window saying "The dynamic link 
library MSVCRTD.dll could not be found in the specified path..." with my PATH 
environment variable's value following.

When I did the same command to the older CGI php.exe (v4.0.3pl1), it worked like a 
champ.  This RC appears to be compiled differently than release versions, requiring a 
DLL that the release versions never have.  I realize this is a release compilation.  
The contents of the .ZIP file were not organized in the usual tree structure previous 
Windows versions had


But just working at the command line I should be able to get a response to the '-v' 

So unfortunately I am, at this time, unable to work with the latest Windows RC 
provided at the link from the previous post.

Though I appreciate that you "can not reproduce this in Linux with latest CVS", please 
understand this bug report concerns the Windows version of PHP.  I suspect this has 
not been an issue in the *nix release of PHP for some time, or I'm sure I would have 
read more about it by now.  The CGI version of PHP v4.0.3pl1 is still, at this point, 
the last properly working release for the Windows platform (and that was released a 
good bit ago).  I suspect most users running PHP under Windows do not make use of 
PHP4's session features, but likely rely more on things like PHPLIB, which handle 
sessions in their own way (using cookies & header() calls).

Currently (as of the v4.0.6 release) I have been able to reproduce, without fail, this 
bug under Windows NT4 (SP5 & SP6), Windows 2000 (SP1 & SP2), and even Windows XP.

If there is another compiled copy of the latest RC that has been compiled in the same 
fashion as a release version (and ideally, with all the DLLs, etc., in the release 
directory structure format), please let me know and I will try again.  Thanks.


[2001-11-24 19:19:08] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Latest RC build can be found here:

And I can not reproduce this in Linux with latest CVS.



[2001-11-19 12:56:00] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is there any way to obtain the latest PHP release candidates in binary form for the 
Windows platform?

I would like to test the latest RC for this bug, but I forgot that the PHP site 
doesn't provide binaries for RCs, and I unfortunately do not have the dev tools needed 
under Windows to compile the source.  Otherwise, I will only be able to test the next 
version when it is released.


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