$array['12'] will automagicly become $array[12]
will always be a string index


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Daniel Lorch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 3:23 PM
Subject: [PHP-DEV] Array vs Hashes

> Hi,
> I don't know whether this was already discussed before, but ..
> have you ever though about the fact that PHP is not very cleanly
> designed when looking at Arrays and Hashes? How can I predict whether
> a array/hash is sorted by it's INTEGER indices or it's STRING indices
> when using functions such as asort(), ksort() .. I don't know whether
> these indices are casted into the other type or not. Maybe, by
> accident I write $array['12'] = .. and from then PHP thinks I'm using
> string indices (thus casting all indices to string).
> Of couse, I could just try out but that isn't really a proper and
> clean language design. Shouldn't it be possible to FORCE either
> method? such as
>  i_asort();
>  str_asort();
> ok, that's a quite stupid proposal but you get the idea I hope :)
> Kind Regards,
>   Daniel Lorch
> -- 
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