On Wed, 05 Dec 2001, Alexander Wagner wrote:
> You have a point here, but you're not necessarily right.
> Smarty templates are more complex than IT[X]/PHPlib-style templates, 
> but still easier than XSL, and not all designers are that dumb.
> I think IT[X]-style templates are more important, but I wouldn't object 
> to having both.

I once again will say the following, and while I add IMHO here, I have
been working on Web apps over 5 years now, with and without designers,
HTML programmers, and other various team members:

Smarty is as easy to use as you want to make it. No one forces you and
your pixel pushers to use presentation logic. Stick to just variable
displays and be happy.

* I don't mind going nowhere as long as it's an interesting path. *

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