Hi Jaroslaw!
On Wed, 05 Dec 2001, Jaroslaw Kolakowski wrote:

> > But, even if we don't agree with his opinion on templates, what about 
> > the features that libxml provides which are currently unused by PHP, 
> > including HTML 4.01-support (I don't know exactly what libxml can do)? 
> > Are there any plans to make them accessible from PHP? It definately 
> > would be nice.
> It would be nice and it doesn't require much work. I am using PHP-4.0.6 with
> patch, that allows me to parse HTML documents into DOM objects and output
> DOM objects to HTML format. Besides I can use libxslt to process DOM objects
> via XSL stylesheets.  Now I am going to rewrite the new functions after last
> changes in the DOM XML extension - they will use these new pretty macros.
Can you tell more on what that patch is about and it's availability?

-- teodor

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