There's a problem with PHP cgi binaries:

<CaPS_> (was a CVS, so..)
<CaPS_> which reminds me
<CaPS_> remember my ranting about php.ini derick?
<CaPS_> (it opens ./php.ini, config_file_path/php.ini, checks PHPRC
<CaPS_> in that order
<CaPS_> I got some 'friends' who work at hosters
<CaPS_> and they don't like that
<CaPS_> cos, ./php.ini will enable users to override safe mode
<CaPS_> made a lill patch for him so it wouldn't
<CaPS_> but, isn't it an idea to add --restrictive-hosting or something
that'll ''activate'' that patch ?
<CaPS_> (limit php.ini to be in config-file-path)
<OpenSrc> yes
<OpenSrc> no switch
<OpenSrc> just reverse it :)
<CaPS_> que
<CaPS_> ?
<OpenSrc> change the order
<OpenSrc> let the MAIN php.ini override values in PHPRC/php.ini
<CaPS_> it doesn't sequentially parse them
<CaPS_> but one
<OpenSrc> oh
<OpenSrc> then that need to be fixed :)
<CaPS_> either ./php.ini, php.ini or PHPRC
<OpenSrc> write it to php-dev

It allows users to set their own options in a ./php.ini, as in
override user_dir, open_basedir and safe_mode.

My default php.ini has error_reporting set to E_ALL:


echo $test;

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE

caps@anaina:~/php-4.1.0$ ./php -q test.php
PHP Warning: undefined variable: test in /home/caps/php-4.1.0/test.php
on line 3

caps@anaina:~/php-4.1.0$ mv php.ini-ex php.ini
caps@anaina:~/php-4.1.0$ ./php -q test.php

This was reported and discussed (on IRC) first on Nov 15
(, granted.. filed incorrectly.

I'd say this is quite serious when you're a hoster who only allows PHP
in CGI mode.

Wouter de Jong is the one who actually discovered this.

Mathieu 'CaPS_' Kooiman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
MAP Internet Services

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