Markus Fischer wrote:

> On Sun, Dec 16, 2001 at 11:54:52PM +0100, Sebastian Bergmann wrote : 
>>  Setup: Apache 2, PHP 4 (current CVS) as CGI, Windows 2000
>>    malformed header from script. Bad header=X-Powered-By: 
>>    C:/home/php/php4/Release_TS_inline/php.exe 
>>  Seems to me something's wrong with the recent SAPI changes.
>     You mean the latest from Mr. Esser to SAPI.c? (You didn't
>     mention how recent your build is).
>     - Markus

I updated my CVS and I suppose Sebastian also experiencing
the same problem.

I notified Esser about this problem already.

Yasuo Ohgaki

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