From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: linux Suse
PHP version:      4.1.0
PHP Bug Type:     Class/Object related
Bug description:  calling a method "magically" turns the object into a reference to 

Calling an object's method turn the object into a reference to itself. When
the object is itself an array's value (or an object's instance variable)
this shows up when copying (with simple assignement) the surrounding array
(or object).  

class bar{
 var $my_var = 'bar';
 function buggy(){/*nothing needed here*/}

$foo[0] = new bar();
$foo[0]->buggy(); // turns the array's value into a reference to the

$new = $foo;
$new[0]->my_var = 'new';
echo $foo[0]->my_var;// echoes 'new' !!

Comment out the call to buggy(), or use var_dump before and after this call
to see the magic transformation of $foo[0] from object(bar) to

Tested with 4.0.3 and 4.1.
The same bug has been reported under #11543 (open but unanswered). The code
above is much simpler than that in the original bug report. (I could not
edit that one :))

best regards

Edit bug report at:

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