ID: 13488
Updated by: sander
Old Status: Open
Status: Feedback
Bug Type: IIS related
Operating System: Win2000
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

Can you create a short, self-contained script that reproduces this problem?

Previous Comments:

[2001-09-28 17:47:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I am using php4.06 on IIS5(win2000).
I am having PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 01A6649C message recently. 

Enclosed my php file, each php html page will be display by includes 5 other different 
php files.   (such like header, tail, menu bar, search) 

Is there any limitation about include files?  Is that why I am keeping have violation 

If I press Ctrl+R more than 5 times than the page will show up again. but I don't 
think our customer will accept it. 

I am really need your help because we are going to deliver our project next week.  

thank you very much !!





<title> Reference Service </title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<style type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="WebStyle.css" type="text/css">

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" >
<table width="100%">
    <td height="8" valign="top"> 
           if ($PASS_AUTH =="N")
      <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" >
              <td width="120" valign="top" align="left" height="10"> 
          <div align="center"> 
              <table width="120" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
                <tr><td valign="top"><? include("tpl_quicksearch.php"); ?></td></tr>
                  <td valign="top"> 
                    <? require('tpl_left_tbl.php') ; ?>
          <td width="10" valign="top" align="left" height=300><img 
src="images/horz_line.gif" width="1" height="100%"></td>
          <td valign="top"> <p align="center"> <? include('group_view_stage.php'); ?> 
   <tr><td><? include('tpl_tail.php'); ?> </td></tr>


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