ID: 14457 Updated by: vlad Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Old Status: Open Status: Feedback Bug Type: Pspell related Operating System: Linux 2.4.7 (RH7.2) PHP Version: 4.1.0 New Comment:
... well, in the original bug report you had: '--with-pspell=/usr/local/share' and in the new one you have '--with-pspell=/usr/local/pspell' That's very different I hope that you configured pspell with '--prefix=/usr/local/pspell', right? Otherwise you should have just specified '--with-pspell' in php configure line instead. First, how did you build pspell and aspell (what are the configure lines, versions, and in which order you built them) Second, could you go into the directory with pspell source and from there to examples, and try to compile and run an example: cd pspell/examples make example-c ./example-c en s helllo and please tell if it gives you a list of suggestions for the misspelled word 'helllo'. (I'll be in and out of the office for the next few days, so I might not respond in a timely manner) Previous Comments: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2001-12-17 09:46:39] [EMAIL PROTECTED] './configure' '--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql' '--with-apxs' '--enable-wddx' '--with-sablot' '--with-pspell=/usr/local/pspell' '--enable-force-cgi-redirect' '--with-gettext' '--with-ldap' '--with-cpdflib=/usr/local' '--with-jpeg-dir' '--with-tiff-dir' is the latest iteneration of my configuration. This is the exact configuration I am using in a 4.0.6 installation. Pspell does not work with the same using 4.1.0. (I re-installed pspell to that directory just to make sure) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2001-12-13 23:37:36] [EMAIL PROTECTED] It is strange it even compiled. Are you sure that pspell is installed in --with-pspell=/usr/local/share and not in --with-pspell=/usr/local ??? (e.g. do you have a directory /usr/local/include/pspell or /usr/local/share/include/pspell if the former, you probably need to recompile PHP specifying the right directory) Do you have a configure line for your 4.0.6 installation to compare against? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2001-12-12 09:09:56] [EMAIL PROTECTED] './configure' '--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql' '--with-apxs' '--enable-wddx' '--with-sablot' '--with-pspell=/usr/local/share' '--enable-force-cgi-redirect' '--with-gettext '--with-ldap' Worked in 4.0.6 but not in 4.1.0 Warning: PSPELL couldn't open the dictionary. reason: I'm sorry I can't find any suitable word lists for the language-tag "en". $pspell_link = pspell_new ("en"); if (!pspell_check ($pspell_link, "testt")) { $suggestions = pspell_suggest ($pspell_link, "testt"); foreach ($suggestions as $suggestion) { echo "Possible spelling: $suggestion<br>"; } } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edit this bug report at -- PHP Development Mailing List <> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]