>     Ah, and btw, that's what we've the documentation team for, no?

Well, no php-dev people is engaged to know DocBook XML, the
doc building process, or translation related things. No phpdoc people
engaged to know C, some know very few C, or have no experience
with C at all.

I have seen a note in the php-weekly sometime ago from Rasmus,
bringing the fact to attention, that all people who have write Karma to
the "php4" module, have write Karma to the "phpdoc" module. This
needs to be for something :) Maybe just to give a possibility
for a dream to come true :) IMHO only a few poeple have
write Karma to "php4" from "phpdoc". I do not say, that to document
any extension or function, we need write Karma. This only shows, that
the majority of documentation people are not involved in development.

I took part in Sterlings whole day workshop and Zak's intro to the
PHP source session at the php conference. I cannot say I understand
what's in the C code know, but I have a better understanding. Using
that knowledge, I was able to write documentation for things like
and some functions like this. As you know, to understand the PHP C
source, knowing C is not enough. One even need to know the Zend
API. For the Zend API, we have a somewhat oudated documentation,
from the early days, when the PHP 4 version was not even released.

So one with some C knowledge can hardly underastand the code, and
try to guess what's in it, if there are no comments to guide him.

I think the thing Wolfgang is dreaming of is what Andrei written for
example for his Override extension. See the README in ext/override.
He asked the phpdoc team for documentation and I was able to make
a DocBook XML version, with some added example [asking for some
guidance from Andrei] in an hour, and here it is, documented...

If php-dev people would come to the "phpdoc" module (they can!),
and write their extensions documentation in DocBook XML as
ready to serve doc pieces, then there would be no need to have
the phpdoc group, right. But this is not what we expect from php-dev
people to do even in our very best dreams.

The majority of extensions are not that easy to document as the
overload one, with only one function with a clear usage. But despite
this fact, small comments in code, and clear protos can help any docu
pepole to write a some documentation. It would also be nice for
extension authors, to at least check the docu pages for their extensions
from time to time, point out weaknesses, and provide more accurate
explanations, or examples where needed.

I would not like to engage you to do anything. This mail was a place
for my dreams. If one finds my dreams doable, things may be better
in my eyes.

Goba [from phpdoc and phpweb]

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