ID: 14898
User updated by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status: Open
Bug Type: HTTP related
Operating System: linux slackware8
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

the fix is too rough and can't handle all chinese words, it need more
efforts to check. i will do it in a few days.

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-07 01:56:48] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is a bug fix for rfc1867.c
try to upload file from win2k with name C:\DISK0\»\³\.txt
the original code get name as '.ext' which should be '»\³\.txt'. 
the following modify is necessary to for client using charset=BIG5.
thanks PHP.
-----------code modified----------------------
//s = strrchr(filenamebuf, '\\');
for (s=filenamebuf+strlen(filenamebuf)-1;s>filenamebuf;s--) {
 if (*s=='\\' && *(s-1)>0) break;
----------code modified end ------------------- 


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