ID: 13539
User updated by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Old Status: Feedback
Status: Open
Bug Type: IIS related
Operating System: W2k Server
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

Thanx for your answer, but I had to setup the server again. This was the
fastest an most acceptable way to cope with it.
I can't remember. I think I tried without. I tried everything (almost).

So long


Previous Comments:

[2002-01-08 03:00:50] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you disable Jakarta, can you use ASP and PHP then?


[2001-10-04 09:08:53] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


my W2k-Server is not able to handle asp or php files anymore. (500 Error
on both)
PHP was installed using the ISAPI_module. After failure I changed to the
CGI_version again but still the Server does not work (except normal
HTML). Even rebooting the system does not solve the problem. I also
tried to reinstall the IIS.
Running PHP as a servlet works fine (almost) and executing on
commandline also.
By the way. After having this problem, my JAKARTA tells me this after
starting the service:

# An EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION exception has been detected in native
code outside the VM.
# Program counter=0x9472362
EmbededTomcat: Init time 4576

Need help! ;-)


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