From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Windows 2000 Server
PHP version:      4.1.0
PHP Bug Type:     Performance problem
Bug description:  Script timeouts at random places

I work for a company that has around 20 sites using PHP.  Lately I have
been tracking some odd script timeout problems.  None are related to bad
code or database connectivity.  

I started doing some extensive logging and have a report that shows that
every timeout that I checked followed a pattern.  

This is just a section of the log file I am looking at
Date    Action  # of processes running
1/4/2002 21:41:37       EndSomeOtherRequest     0
1/4/2002 21:41:59       Start1  1
1/4/2002 21:42:14       Start2  2
1/4/2002 21:42:14       Start3  3
1/4/2002 21:42:14       End  2  2
1/4/2002 21:42:14       End  3  1
1/4/2002 21:42:23       Start4  2
1/4/2002 21:42:23       End  4  1
1/4/2002 21:42:27       Start5  2
1/4/2002 21:42:27       End  5  1
1/4/2002 21:42:39       Start6  2
1/4/2002 21:42:39       End  6  1
1/4/2002 21:42:46       Start7  2
1/4/2002 21:42:46       End  7  1
1/4/2002 21:42:48       Start8  2
1/4/2002 21:42:54       End  8  1
1/4/2002 21:42:59       End  1  0

The one that started first, finished last.  That script usually takes less
than zero seconds.  Though this time it took 60.014 seconds.  Our script
timeout is set to 240 seconds right now so we can capture these script

This happens at all times of the day.  No apparent pattern, other than that
the one that takes an extrodinary time to complete is consistently the
first one in this block of processes.  And it always finishes last, but
that is less startling because it takes so long to finish.

Charles Killmer
IIS 5.0, Windows 2000 Server, PHP 4.1.0, CGI
Edit bug report at:

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