ID: 12691
Old Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status: Open
Bug Type: Apache2 related
Operating System: SuSE7.1
PHP Version: 4.0CVS-2001-08-10
New Comment:

I am seeing the same problem with Apache 2.0.28, php 4.1.1 under RedHat

When I run phpinfo() all the environmental variables are missing
compared to running phpinfo() with Apache 1.3.22 and php 4.1.1

Previous Comments:

[2001-11-19 12:37:39] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ok, here's what I tried:

o PHP4.0.2-dev (php4-200111190000 from snaps)
o config line is:
'./configure' '--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs' '--with-mysql'
'--with-dom' '--disable-posix' '--disable-pic' '--with-zlib'

o Apache2.0.28-beta
o config line is:
CFLAGS="-g"; export CFLAGS
"./configure" \
"--enable-layout=Apache" \
"--enable-auth-digest" \
"--enable-ext-filter" \
"--disable-include" \
"--enable-headers" \
"--enable-so" \
"--enable-ssl=shared" \
"--with-mpm=threaded" \
"--enable-http" \
"--enable-dav=shared" \
"--disable-asis" \
"--enable-info=shared" \
"--enable-suexec" \
"--enable-cgi=shared" \
"--enable-cgid=shared" \
"--enable-dav-fs=shared" \
"--enable-vhost-alias=shared" \
"--disable-imap" \
"--enable-rewrite=shared" \
"--with-suexec-uidmin=30" \

Now env vars are set ok (either with or without seting I/O filters, just
with an AddType), *BUT* :) I still found that one very important one is
missing, namely PATH_INFO.

If I say it gives a file not found
error (where i.php exists and contains a phpinfo() call).

I tried to catch that with FilesMatch, but couldn't figure (I think the
test for $DOCUMENT_ROOT/i.php/x to exist is done before applying
matches, which makes sense).

I am having a look into it but my experience with Apache2 is  less that
epsilon :) so maybe somebody can have a look too?


[2001-11-17 12:10:10] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There has been a patch regarding this three days ago. Please try the
latest snapshot from and report, if the problem
still comes up.


[2001-11-03 21:53:17] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

updated short desc.


[2001-08-10 11:08:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

hi alindeman,

erm, you missed the essential "2" :)
it's with Apache2 (apxs2)

Additional note:
 printenv from /cgi-bin shows them just right.


[2001-08-10 10:49:39] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

works fine for me (Apache 1.3.20 + PHP Latest CVS).

Try running <?phpinfo()?> and see what variables are defined..


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