ID: 14933
User updated by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: Win ME
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

Regarding this reply I just want to make clear what was not working at
my comp.

here is code which I used :

echo "*** POSIX<BR>\n";
if (eregi("<T>([\da-z\ ]{1,})", "<T>qw e1 asd!zxc", $out)) {
        echo "found=".count($out)."<BR>\n";
        foreach($out as $val) {
                echo "=$val<BR>\n";
echo "<BR>*** PERL<BR>\n";
if (preg_match("/<T>([\d\ a-z]{1,})!([\w]+)/", "<T>qw e1 asd!zxc",
$out)) {
        echo "found=".count($out)."<BR>\n";
        foreach($out as $val) {
                echo "=$val<BR>\n";

and output in my browses was:

=qw e
=qw e

*** PERL
=qw e1 asd!zxc
=qw e1 asd

See, there is difference even if match is found, but \d is not the same
as in perl.
And I don't know what \d does in POSIX(probeable nothing)?
(Still checking documentation). :)

PS Just trying to help. :)

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-10 07:19:18] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

'Bug' withdrawn.

I mixed up perl & posix? :(  SORRY.


[2002-01-08 15:28:25] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The document is correct on this issue, those character types may be

I've tested your code as:

if (ereg('<T>([\da-z]{1,})', '<T>try8')) { echo 'match'; }

Which, works just fine on win32 platforms, 4.1.1.  You may want to
ensure there is no whitespace in the string you are testing.

Status -> Bogus


[2002-01-08 15:13:08] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Documentation quote:
     The character types \d, \D, \s, \S,  \w,  and  \W  may  also appear
 in  a  character  class, and add the characters that they match to the

So, I tried to match "<T>try8" with
"<T>([\da-z]{1,})" and it won't work.


"<T>([\da-z8]{1,})" work. !!


Edit this bug report at

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