ID: 14965
User updated by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status: Open
Bug Type: Documentation problem
Operating System: Windows 2000
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

slight correction to my last message it should read

$file_path = "C:\\test\\";



Previous Comments:

[2002-01-10 14:35:45] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


$DOCUMENT_ROOT is a blank variable

also trying the file path rather than HTTP e.g.

$file_path = "C://test//";

Produces the same error.

All paths are correct



[2002-01-10 14:21:41] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

moved to "Documentation problem"


[2002-01-10 14:21:06] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

your problem is

  $file_path = "http://localhost/test/";;

change it to

  $file_path = "$DOCUMENT_ROOT/test/";

sablot will read from local filesystem only,
while within the XML it's safe to have URLs
as pathes


[2002-01-10 14:14:19] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I tried the following code.


$file_path = "http://localhost/test/";;

//xml file
$xml_file = $file_path . "people.xml";

//xsl file
$xsl_file = $file_path . "people.xslt";

//open xml file
$xmlfile = fopen ($xml_file, "r");
while (!feof ($xmlfile)) {
    $xml_file_contents = fgets($xmlfile, 4096);
    //echo $xml_file_contents;
fclose ($xmlfile);

//open xslt contents 
$xslfile = fopen ($xsl_file, "r");
while (!feof ($xslfile)) {
    $xsl_file_contents = fgets($xslfile, 4096);
    //echo $xsl_file_contents;
fclose ($xslfile);

$arguments = array(
     '/_xml' => $xml_file_contents,
     '/_xsl' => $xsl_file_contents

// Allocate a new XSLT processor
$xh = xslt_create();

// Process the document
$result = xslt_process($xh, 'arg:/_xml', 'arg:/_xsl', NULL, $arguments);



The paths are correct as both files are displayed. Still the same error
message. Changed the XML file to use a local file path for the DTD with
no effect.



[2002-01-10 12:02:19] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You set the path as an http:// url.
By default, Sablotron doesn't provide an http handler, nor does the
current xslt extension.

This also applies to external entities and dtd's. Use the arg:/_xml
syntax and fetch the url's first (fopen or even better with the curl

=> Should be documentation problem as the file open method is not
specified and could be interpreted as the php fopen.


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