ID: 7515 Comment by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Old Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Status: Assigned Bug Type: Scripting Engine problem Operating System: linux + win2k PHP Version: 4.0 Latest CVS (28/10/2000) Assigned To: andre New Comment:
I'm looking at putting php 4.1.1 into the next RH release however I noticed that this bug still seems to be happening (From make test) Running tests in /usr/src/redhat/php-4.1.1//tests/lang ... OO Bug Test (Bug #7515) (029.phpt) ... failed [root@dhcpd201 lang]# cat 029.exp success [root@dhcpd201 lang]# cat 029.out failure I this something that can either be fixed or can I turn a blind eye to this.. Phil =--= Previous Comments: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2001-12-12 08:14:56] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Is this still a issue? This report is updated a year ago... If this report is outstanding, PHP Version is better to be updated... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2000-12-16 13:40:39] [EMAIL PROTECTED] assigned to zeev, as discussed we either need a) a permanent fix b) a permanent deep copy function and understand this effect as a feature and users will eventually have to use deep copies for some containers ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2000-10-28 10:25:28] [EMAIL PROTECTED] This code is pretty self-explanatory... Uncommenting the noticed (*[0]) line, causes the object contained ('root') in the instance of 'obj' to be referenced to whatever, function test() uses a copy $o_copy but reference-counting fails and the contained object 'root' is somehow referenced to the original object in the global scope. After having uncommented *[0] try to uncomment *[1] what should break the reference again, that made me assuming this all is caused by reference counting... <?php class obj { function method() {} } function test($o_copy) { //$o_copy->root=&$o_copy->root; // *[1] $o_copy->root->set_in_copied_o=TRUE; var_dump($o_copy);?><BR><?php } $o->root=new obj(); //$o->root->method(); // *[0] uncomment this line and weirdness starts var_dump($o);?><BR><?php test($o); var_dump($o); ?> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edit this bug report at -- PHP Development Mailing List <> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]