ID: 15058
Updated by: yohgaki
Old Status: Open
Status: Feedback
Bug Type: Reproducible crash
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.1.2 (Build 5P48)
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

Your PHP is not built with --enable-debug option. Could you send
backtrace again?

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-15 17:11:45] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

when rendering a rather complex page php causes apache to 
crash. the page causes a 1200 line function (in a 6000 line 
included file) to be called recursively a number of times, 
and it seems that it crashes when it is called too many 
times. i tried upping the memory to "memory_limit = 128M;" 
in /usr/local/lib/php.ini, but that didn't help. i verified 
that it is not an infinite include problem (bug #10230, 
which sounds similar). i am using the precompiled apache 
php module version 4.1.1 from <
software/macosx/php/> on macosx 10.1.2. the configure line 

'./configure' '--with-mysql' '--with-pgsql' '--with-apxs' 
'--with-gd=/usr/local' '--with-png-dir=/usr/local' '--with-
zlib-dir=/usr' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local' '--with-
freetype-dir=/usr/local' '--enable-trans-sid' '--enable-
exif' '--with-xml' '--enable-wddx' '--with-curl=/usr/local' 
'--with-pdflib=/usr/local' '--with-t1lib=/usr/local' '--
enable-ftp' '--enable-bcmath'

and the crashlog:


Date/Time:  2002-01-15 16:14:38 +0100
OS Version: 10.1.2 (Build 5P48)
Host:       localhost

Command:    httpd
PID:        951

Exception:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes:      KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS (0x0001) at 0xbff7d440

Thread 0 Crashed:
 #0   0x00a301f4 in execute
 #1   0x00a33a70 in execute
 #2   0x00a33a70 in execute
 #3   0x00a33a70 in execute
 #4   0x00a33a70 in execute
 #5   0x00a33a70 in execute
 #6   0x00a3608c in execute
 #7   0x00a1ef64 in zend_execute_scripts
 #8   0x00a55158 in php_execute_script
 #9   0x00a51d34 in apache_php_module_main
 #10  0x00a507e0 in send_php
 #11  0x0000c5ac in ap_invoke_handler
 #12  0x00016530 in process_request_internal
 #13  0x00016874 in ap_internal_redirect
 #14  0x00181674 in handler_redirect
 #15  0x0000c5ac in ap_invoke_handler
 #16  0x00016530 in process_request_internal
 #17  0x00016874 in ap_internal_redirect
 #18  0x00181674 in handler_redirect
 #19  0x0000c5ac in ap_invoke_handler
 #20  0x00016530 in process_request_internal
 #21  0x000165ac in ap_process_request
 #22  0x00005d5c in child_main
 #23  0x00005fcc in make_child
 #24  0x00006830 in standalone_main
 #25  0x00006f64 in main
 #26  0x00001e18 in _start
 #27  0x00001c48 in start

PPC Thread State:
  srr0: 0x00a301f4 srr1: 0x0200f030                vrsave: 
   xer: 0x20000020   lr: 0x00a30178  ctr: 0x00a30160   mq: 
    r0: 0xbff8f180   r1: 0xbff8eff0   r2: 0x005cfc30   r3: 
    r4: 0x00000002   r5: 0x00000004   r6: 0x00000000   r7: 
    r8: 0x000008dd   r9: 0xfffee450  r10: 0x0008dd00  r11: 
   r12: 0x00a30160  r13: 0x00000000  r14: 0x00000000  r15: 
   r16: 0x00000000  r17: 0x00000000  r18: 0x00000000  r19: 
   r20: 0x00000000  r21: 0x00ce364c  r22: 0x00ce3654  r23: 
   r24: 0xbfffdb78  r25: 0x00000000  r26: 0x00000001  r27: 
   r28: 0xbfffdbdc  r29: 0x005db290  r30: 0xbff8eff0  r31: 



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