ID: 15220 User updated by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reported By: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Old Status: Feedback Status: Open Bug Type: Unknown/Other Function Operating System: Linux PHP Version: 4.1.1 New Comment:
I can provide the data that failed here : Is that ok, otherwise let me know ! Previous Comments: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2002-01-25 11:54:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Can you supply some (malicious) sample data (in- and output of (un)serialize) along with a simple samplescript? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2002-01-25 05:36:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED] I use this @ Let me know if I can help with anything ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2002-01-25 05:33:47] [EMAIL PROTECTED] I have a function that stores MySQL result arrays or my own arrays in a MySQL database. Often I get an error like "unserialize() failed at offset 1717 of 3658 bytes". I believe this is a bug in Php as it does not happen always. My function : function sql_cache ($query, $timeout = 90, $result = "") { if ($timeout >= 0) { $SQL = "SELECT result FROM sql_cache WHERE qkey = '".md5($query)."' AND valid = 1"; if ($timeout) { $SQL .= " AND timestamp >= ".(time() - $timeout); } $SQL .= " LIMIT 1"; if ($RS = mysql_query($SQL, db_conn)) { if ($RSarray = mysql_fetch_row($RS)) { mysql_free_result($RS); $return = unserialize($RSarray[0]); if (is_array($return)) { return $return; } elseif (is_string($return)) { return $return; } else { //print(gettype($return)); return false; } } } } else { $SQL = "REPLACE LOW_PRIORITY sql_cache SET qkey = '".md5($query)."', result = '".serialize($result)."', timestamp = ".time().", query = '".addslashes($query)."'"; mysql_unbuffered_query($SQL, db_conn); } return false; } My MySQL table : CREATE TABLE sql_cache ( qkey varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', valid tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1', timestamp int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', result blob NOT NULL, query text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (qkey) ) TYPE=MyISAM; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edit this bug report at -- PHP Development Mailing List <> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]