On Wed, Jan 30, 2002 at 09:59:33AM -0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : 
> From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Operating system: Maybe All platform
> PHP version:      4.1.1
> PHP Bug Type:     FTP related
> Bug description:  ftp_getresp()'s bug when ftp server returns multiple response code 
> Hello.
> When ftp-server returns multiple response code, ftp_nlist() and
> ftp_rawlist() is hung.
> First response code is set normaly.
> but second response code isn't set and ftp_get_resp() triing call
> ftp_readline() until ftp-timeout.
> I change ftp_getresp in ftp.c

    This sounds like a good idea. Can you please post a unified
    diff against latest CVS to php-dev@ ?

    - Markus

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