--- Rasmus Resen Amossen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am quite unsatisfied with the fact that I currently have to BUY a
> product, to be
> able to protect my self from others, wanting to steal my php-source. Due
> to
> the fact that I want to be able to scramble my sources (for free), I now
> intend program a source scrambeling feature for php myself.


Why would you want to scramble your source from other people. Unless you have a
company behind you making you scramble it then i just think of it as selfish.
where do you think php/zend would be if they only distributed binarys
(OpenSource baby!). if you do have a company behind it and they are making you
scramble your php source that i can see wanting this but the company should be
able to afford buying the "scrambler".


- Brad

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