ID: 15297
User updated by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status: Open
Bug Type: Scripting Engine problem
Operating System: RedHat 7.2
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

After a bug-report i show regarding the same problems ihave the poster
was telling that if setting implicit_flush=on in php.ini then the
problem is not reproducable. Well this is true in my case also, setting
this option in php i cannot reproduce the problem.
Something that could make send is that the generated html file is
30,778 if this matters

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-31 06:57:56] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well....after some additional tests the problem appeared again, any
other ideas ? 
The only difference with my php.ini and the php.ini-dist is the include
directory and parsing of asp like tags would a dump of php.ini could
help ?


[2002-01-31 06:53:00] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It looks like this was the problem i entered default values from
php.ini-dist to the old v3 ini file and till now i cannot reproduce the
In other words php dosen't return defaults when loading an ini file ???


[2002-01-31 06:02:34] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Try using the php.ini-dist (copied over to php.ini) from
the PHP 4.1.1 distribution. There have been cases where
the problem has been an old php.ini file.



[2002-01-31 01:28:00] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

'./configure' '--with-mysql=/usr/local' '--enable-track-vars'
'--with-imap=../imap-2001a' '--with-gd' '--with-freetype-dir'
'--with-ttf' '--with-curl' '--with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs'

please note that now i have upgraded apache to 1.3.20 thinking that the
problem could be from apache for some reason but this didn't helped

As for the script.... do not think that i can post a sample script the
script is for on-line ordering and there is a lot of scripts involved i
also found an other post with the same problems on XP, the guy was
claiming that the problems was occured from output buffering and that
after set php ini 'implicit_flush=on' his problems solved..never had a
change to try this

> Also, are you using zlib outputcompression and/or ouput buffering?
No, nothing like this i was using a ini file from php 3 in other words
parameters regarding compression,buffering didn't exist in the ini file
i hope that those variables are initialized to defaults (off)


[2002-01-30 14:54:56] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can you post your configure-line, and a short sample script?
Also, are you using zlib outputcompression and/or ouput buffering?


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