> The general philosophy of PHP has always been to make PHP easy for the
> beginner yet flexible enough for advanced users.  This fits that rule.
> Give the advanced users the tools to configure PHP to have per-virtualhost
> session handling, while sessions still work for the guy who just installed
> PHP on his own little server and really doesn't know what he is doing.

  That is fine for a philosophy. I would still like to try to make
  the default setup more secure. I agree, the least we can do is to
  document this.

  How about that we use the SERVER_NAME environment variable when
  generating session filenames? Instead of name like sess_XXXX, the name
  could be sess_YYYY_XXXX, where YYYY is a server fingerprint? I
  understand that this is not foolproof (say, for applications
  that run on the same domain name) but it will solve the most
  serious cases (shared hosting solutions).

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