I very much agree with this Email and am -1.


At 11:01 PM 2/6/2002 +0800, John Lim wrote:
>Thanks for posting this request for comments, Yasuo.
>I think from a C developer's point of view, it makes perfect
>sense to have case-sensitivity. From a scripting point-of-view,
>I think it is a step backward. Studies by the Python group
>have shown that case-sensitivity is a serious barrier for
>I also think that a significant number of PHP users who do *not*
>program in C, C++ or languages which require case-sensitivity
>would be most unhappy. These people would definitely not
>visit php.dev or Zend2 lists, so I think opinions here are
>skewed (not twisted!)
>Backward compatibility is a headache also as many PHP libraries
>written by other people have weird case conventions, and not
>having a standard PHP coding style will mean our code will
>be a mess as we have to adhere to different coding styles.
>We have been trained in Javascript and C to spell the
>standard libraries in a standard way. But what is the correct
>spelling of OCIPLogon (or was that ociplogon, or was that ociPLogon)?
>Who knows and I think moany people would not want to care. I
>certainly don't.
>In the C library, I'm used to having all lowercase functions, but
>it will look wierd if PEAR DB follows one convention, PHP extensions
>follow another, and my code follows a different one. Without
>case-sensitivity, I can use a consistent code style for functions
>everywhere for OciPLogon (hah, another spelling variation!)
>I think PHP5 is a bit late in the game to change course so
>radically for so little benefit. This will stir up a hornets nest
>which would be better directed at fixing bugs, writing code, and
>finding happiness and peace.
>My PHP 5 cents worth.
>John Lim
>Perhaps someone could cc this to the Zend2 lists as I don't read it.
>Thies C. Arntzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > On Wed, Feb 06, 2002 at 07:40:18PM +0900, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > I'm posting this for those who are not subscribing
> > > Zend Engine 2 list.
> > >
> > > Many of developers seems to have case sensitivity for
> > > class/function names.
> > > However, we need vote for if PHP5 will have case
> > > sensitive class/function/constant names.
> > >
> > > If you have comments, please submit one.
> > >
> > > PS: We know we can cheat. Let's hope nobody cheat :)
> > > You can read Zend Engne 2 list archive at
> > > http://www.zend.com/lists.php
> >
> >     besides the BC mess i'm all for it (make PHP5 case-sensite).
> >
> >     tc
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