At 06:52 AM 2/7/2002 +0100, Markus Fischer wrote:
>On Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at 07:21:07AM +0200, Andi Gutmans wrote :
> > At 11:03 PM 2/6/2002 -0600, Jason Greene wrote:
> >
> > >Would anyone object if I added refcount information to  var_dump?
> >
> > me. I think it would really confuse people. I suggest adding another
> > function. It should probably be only enabled in debug builds because the
> > end user shouldn't be worrying about refcounts. It's an internal thing.
>     Certain function only available in a debug build!? Please
>     don't ...

OK but please don't change var_dump. Add debug_dump_zval().


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