> To see how PHP is put together, in order to contribute new array
> functions... array_firstkey( $array ) array_lastkey( $array )
> array_element_key( $array, $n ) array_firstvalue( $array )
> array_lastvalue( $array ) array_element_value( $array, $n ) ...and to
> consider extending string character subscripting of the form $string{5}
> to support an optional second "length" parameter, a la... $string = "abcde";
> echo $string{1,3}; // returns "bcd"

I have approved your CVS account, but you need to discuss your ideas with
us on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list before you start writing some
of this stuff.  For example, what would be the point of an
array_element($array, $n) function like you suggest?  Isn't that the same
as $array[$n] or is $n a numerical offset in this case?
array_firstvalue() would be the same as reset() and array_lastvalue()
would be the same as end() as far as I can tell.  The {1,3} subscripting
idea has been discussed at length.  Go check the archives.


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