On Thu, 2002-02-21 at 01:07, Berlina wrote:
> Hello to everybody,
> I need some help for writting a comparison of PHP vs JAVA, and of course, I
> need that PHP wins
> ;-D

Wins what? For what task? This is quite a nebulous question. And if 
you've decided which will win before you've done the research, that
research won't be worth much, will it?

However, here's one place to start: try typing words like 'comparison',
'php', and  'java' together into Google. I just found a pile of articles
on the topic in under 3 seconds of looking.

> Any ideas?
> Any comparison wrote?
> Advanced Thanks,
> F.P.

P.S. Please, pick *one* mailing list. This question has nothing to do 
with either php-dev or php-db.

 Torben Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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