Looks like I had problem with yahoo mail :(
I guess some of mail sent form my yahoo.com account
didn't actually send....

Yasuo Ohgaki

Zeev Suraski wrote:
> Tobias,
> By default, PHP does not have the xbithack feature enabled, so I'm not 
> sure why you're getting this behavior.
> Try setting it off explicitly by adding
> php_flag xbithack off
> to your Apache httpd.conf file...
> Zeev
> At 17:45 2002/02/23, Tobias Wiersch wrote:
>> Hello Webmaster!
>> It would be great if you can help me somehow, because I don't know 
>> what to do anymore
>> ... thank you *very* much in advance. Please read ahead, I will try to 
>> make it as short as possible. I hope you can understand all my 
>> sentences because I'm not native english-speaking.
>> Prestory: I ran into a severe problem with php4.1.1 (Apache's 
>> xbithack-feature causes documents to be PHP-parsed instead of 
>> SSI-parsed - on our old server-install all worked fine, but now these 
>> files are PHP-parsed and that's not correct!).
>> I reported this problem to PHP's bug-database (because I thought and 
>> still think that this is a bug), but <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> answered that 
>> this is not the right place to ask support-questions! And besides 
>> that, it would be normal that xbit-files are PHP-parsed!!
>> So I asked in the support-forums but noone seems to know anything 
>> about this special behaviour.
>> So I asked <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> directly, but he does not answer me (I 
>> sent 3 friendly mails). I asked if he could at least provide me a link 
>> or something, so that I can read something about the special behaviour 
>> he wrote about. And that I read the PHP-manual from start to end and 
>> that I found nothing about his theory. But: no reply. :-(
>> So I feel now very helpless (and ignorated, of course) because noone 
>> seems to be able to help me out of this misery. And I cannot rename 
>> all xbit-files (inclusive all links to these files) to .shtml to be 
>> sure that they are SSI-parsed because we have approx. 1000 SSI-files 
>> with xbit.
>> Please tell me what I can do or where I can find more information 
>> about this obviously new feature/bug. Or forward this mail to the 
>> appropiate person.
>> Again, thanks for your help and support.
>> Greetings ... tobias wiersch from germany, webmaster of fanpro.com

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