On Wed 27 Feb 2002 (06:31 -0700), Zak Greant wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-02-27 at 05:40, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I think it's a bad idea to patch extension for flaws not in PHP itself.
> > Furthermore, this adds a performance loss to every query. Did you do any
> > benchmarks with it? Anyway... I still think it's a bad idea, and from what
> > I've heard Zak is talking with MySQL about this.

Agreed, but when you're selling virtual web-hosting, you have to deal
with the problems. I think the cost of scanning the SQL queries with a
pre-compiled regex is unlikely to add a significant cost (in our case

>   +1 This is not a PHP problem. We (the PHP we, that is :) can't go
>   around patching PHP for every client lib that we support. That would
>   be hell to deal with for the developers.

I wouldn't suggest that it become part of the distribution.
>   We (the MySQL we, that is :) will have a patch shortly. Additionally,
>   an upcoming release of MySQL will feature an additional permission to
>   control this case.

And this is a much better solution - we'll look forward to that.

Jim Segrave           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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